Great Taste Awards 2023 - International Gastronomy - Taste and Quality Competition where it received 2 out of 3 stars
PIHA 2023 - «Paris International Honey Awards», International Honey Taste and Quality Competition held in Paris and won the Platinum Award.
DIHA 2022 - «Dubai International Honey Awards», International Honey Taste and Quality Competition held in Dubai and won the Silver Award.
ΜΤΑ 2022 - «Mediterranean Taste Awards 2022», International Taste and Quality Competition held in London where it won a Gold Medal
ΜΤΑ 2021 - «Mediterranean Taste Awards 2021», International Taste and Quality Competition held in London and Berlin where it received a Gold Medal
Excellent Honey Quality Competition 2019 within the framework of the 11th Honey Festival at the Peace and Friendship Stadium in Athens where he won the Silver Medal
LIHA 2019 - «London International Honey Awards», International Honey Taste and Quality Competition held in London and won the Silver Award.
Velos Village